Welcome to theGreatestFinal Expense Insurance Sales opportunity available anywhere throughout the industry!
Ifyou have been thinking about achangeand in hopes of finding an organization that offers a complete sales system, comprehensive training programs, the industrys most robust direct mail lead platform and an all-encompassing building & recruiting program to assist you in developing your very own agency you need to reach out to us today.
Securushasspent 20+ years creating, perfecting and field testing the tools necessary to succeed in an insurance sales career. Personal production tools will assist you in ramping up quickly. We offer pre-life insurance licensing courses, completeturnkey sales training systems, ride-along mentoring program and all of the supplies necessary for new or seasoned sales professionals.
Additionally, Securus offers a very unique opportunity for the agency builder. Securus has invested in customized and proprietary talent-attraction technology. Regularly, multiple times per week, Securus hosts Opportunity Meetings in major cities across the nation in an effort to educate professionals about our systems and processes. Come find out how you can participate and host your very own Securus meeting! Are you interested in building an agency? Are you confident in your ability to lead a team? Are youinterested in learning how to build?
ContactSecurus now. We want to work with you and for you! We have the need to immediately fill sales positions nationwide! Opportunities are available for both Agents and Agencies. If you are currently an Insurance Professional or if you are interested in pursuing a career in insurance sales, Securus has atremendous sales opportunityto discuss with you.
Securusis looking for highly motivated individuals. Qualified candidates should be flexible enough to learn our proven presentation techniques that are looking for a long term career that is challenging, exciting and rewarding. If you are looking for a rewarding career and have what it takes, we want to speak with you immediately. Reach out to Securus andteam up with Americas elite insurance organization.
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Country: USA, State: South Carolina, City: Charleston, Company: Securus.
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